Monday, January 3, 2011

Update - Day One

It is 7:31pm and I'm hungry, despite that, I've done really well today.  I've had 5 of my 6 glasses of water (although I'm drinking diet tea instead of water, it is allowed) and for dinner I had Chicken Breast with Taco Seasoning over salad and 1tbsp of Ranch Dressing.  I've managed to stay completely On Plan (OP) today.  WOOHOO!!

I went to the MyMedifast website to log my water and food, and realized I have only had 3 of my allotted 5 Medifast meals! No wonder I'm hungry!! So in a few minutes I am going to make myself a MF Soft Serve Shake (Yum), and then I can still have another bar before going to bed.

So although I have felt hunger today, it has not been bad, and I know it will get better after a few days.   I was told to expect to be hungry, tired, and irritable the first 3 to 5 days as my body adjusts.  

I went to the Half Price Bookstore this afternoon and picked out SEVERAL books to keep me busy using my gift card Gregory got me for Christmas.  These should help when my urge to snack or eat Off plan kicks in.   I can get lost in a book for a while until the urge passes or time for another bar.....

It is funny really.  I have eaten more today than I typically ever eat.  I think I'm feeling hungry only because I know I CAN'T go in the kitchen and eat what I want.  I've got a headache, but I've had it since Friday so can't really say if it is due to this diet, although I am told headaches are common the first week.

I'm now looking at the hunger feeling as a sign that it is working.  Kind of like the burning you get when you exercise telling you that you are working your muscles.... The hunger is my body's way of telling me that what I am doing is working.  No pain, no loss.  You get the picture.

I'll just continue to schedule out my meals every 2 to 3 hours and stay OP.  I'm anxious to see what the end of this week will bring.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a significant weight loss.....


  1. I think we are trained to keep our bodies from feeling hungry. Even the diet fads say "never feel hunger again!" these days. But I really think it's important for us to EMBRACE that hunger and to love it for what it is - a sign that 1) Our stomachs are shrinking back down to normal size and 2) God loves us enough to tell us when it's time to sustain ourselves. Hm . . . I think I smell a blog post in the making ;-)

    You CAN do it, Teri! I am so proud of you!

  2. Thank you so much Jennifer! I'm still feeling super motivated right now. I enjoyed reading your blog today. You are so right about society telling us hunger is a bad thing. I think back to when I was thin in high school, and I remember feeling hungry a lot. Not starving....but hungry. It wasn't a big deal back then, I knew I would be eating soon. I didn't have that all consuming need to fill my belly every time it rumbled. I'm learning to live again with the hunger, and know that it's O.K. That the meal will be waiting for me when it's time, and in the mean time I will not die of starvation. LOL.
    I have 156 lbs to lose....... It's hard to imagine what it is going to feel like when I reach my goal of 122, but I am SO anxious to find out!! :)
